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Sustainability and its need !!

Sustainable Development and poverty eradication are the two major goals that most of the countries are working to achieve. We are left with little natural resources that if used or overused without finding out ways for their development would result in their depletion. Our planet has limited resources which we have already overused. To survive and flourish on Earth a Sustainable living is the need of the hour. We need to live in harmony and bestow to our society in...

jute bags

Why Jute Bags are better than the Leather Bags?

Just before purchasing/utilizing a leather handbag ,We need to know the source of this leather. Leather is obtained from the skin of different sort of pets or animals in most cases of dairy animals, sheep's and goats. Leather is useful to make different items like sacks, belts, shoes, satchels, coats and other little leather things. Generally there are couple of essential realities that you need to understand before utilizing a leather item. End of this article you would concur beside...


Understanding Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is working together in a direction where we use the available resources in such a way that they are appropriate according to our needs and aren’t overused so as to keep them safe and protected for our future generations as well. But the question here is what to we do to keep the resources protected and not make them unavailable, with a population of 7 million people we are overusing our natural resources which are limited, so its...


Sustainable Living High Thinking

As sustainable development has in its name it is the organisation of human development in such a way that it sustains the ability of its natural resources. To achieve sustainable development everybody’s view should be the same, people should think how to solve the problems faced by our planet. They can easily find solutions also and mend their habits too. One very small lifestyle change towards the achievement of sustainable living is giving up on plastic. We are in a...

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