

We constantly think about protecting nature but little do we do anything about it. We are living in a world where we are everyday witnessing how nature is getting back at us in destructive forms like hurricanes , tsunami , acid rains, soil erosion, erratic rainfall , drought etc. So in order to protect the environment for us and our future generations some strict actions must be taken. We must acknowledge our responsibility to care for Mother Nature.When we focus on protecting and investing in nature we are solving the world’s biggest problem. If we don’t conserve and preserve our future generations will have nothing to explore and they would not be able to see the beauty of our natural resources at all.

We need to include sustainable lifestyle in our living which should involve us to think how to solve the problems faced by our planet. The solutions can be found if we mend out habits too. One very small lifestyle change towards the achievement of sustainable living is giving up on plastic. Plastic use should be completely banned and be replaced by healthier options like jute. Such small changes can give us big results.

The 17 goals for sustainable development are :

• End Poverty

• Zero Hunger

• Good Health and Well Being

• Quality Education

• Gender Equality

• Clean Water and Sanitation

• Affordable and Clean Energy

• Decent Work and Economic Growth

• Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

• Reduced Inequality

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