Jute Bags and Info


Jute – a trend that is here to stay

Jute is a long and shiny fibre which is the second most popular fibre after cotton. It is one of the most affordable fibre too, Jute fibres are composed of cellulose and lignin. They are long and staunch. The fibres are then treated with caustic soda to make them soft. Afterwards they are put to innovative uses and one of them is Jute bags. Jute generally takes around 4-6 months to grow without the need of much fertiliser and pesticide....


Mother Earth’s enemy – Plastic

As each one of us know our planet is become polluted rapidly. We are faced with various kinds of natural calamities every day just because we aren’t doing much to protect it.  But still the world is full of plastic users. Many countries have banned the use of plastic or polythene but we still have a long way to go. Even in India the use of plastic has doubled in the last 20-30 years, unless we all understand our responsibility...


Respect Nature Respect Life !!

We are everyday witnessing how nature is getting back at us in destructive forms like hurricanes , tsunami , acid rains, soil erosion, erratic rainfall , drought etc. So in order to protect the environment for us and our future generations some strict actions must be taken. We must acknowledge our responsibility to care for Mother Nature. As we grow we are having a large impact on earth and its resources, in order to rekindle our relationship with nature it...


Why Jute ?

As we witness everyday the quality of air we breathe is decreasing, we hardly get any clean air because of which our children are suffering,  our seniors are falling ill, we don’t have greenery anywhere. The state of our country our planet as a whole is depressing. We need a healthy environment to survive so the urgent need is to protect it. When we focus on protecting and investing in nature we are solving the world’s biggest problem. If we...


Jute – weaving magic one thread at a time !!

The first thing that pops into mind when we think of jute is natural. Jute is a natural fibre or a green fibre. It is the second most popular fibre after cotton. The cultivation of jute depends on climate, season and soil. Almost 85% of jute is cultivated in the Ganges delta. India, Bangladesh and China are leaders in jute production. Jute is also known as the ‘golden fibre’ and ‘future fibre’. Jute is sustainable, eco-friendly and affordable. It is very popular...



Jute bags are helping all of us to save our nature and environment, by being eco-friendly and bio-degradable they don’t pollute our environment. Jute is a natural fibre like cotton . It is later spun into stronger threads that take the shape of bags, rugs, sacks, decorative items etc. Jute Bags help us to achieve sustainability which in clear words is helping our country and our economy to work towards the common goal of protecting nature and its resources thereby living...


Plastic – the enemy of nature !!

Plastic Bags today have become a life threatening hazard all over the world. They are putting all living beings’ lives at risk by exposing the world to pollution and various other diseases. Many countries have banned the use of plastic or polythene but we still have a long way to go. Even in India the use of plastic has doubled in the last 20-30 years, unless we all understand our responsibility towards the society or our mother earth we would...


Sustainability and its need !!

Sustainable Development and poverty eradication are the two major goals that most of the countries are working to achieve. We are left with little natural resources that if used or overused without finding out ways for their development would result in their depletion. Our planet has limited resources which we have already overused. To survive and flourish on Earth a Sustainable living is the need of the hour. We need to live in harmony and bestow to our society in...

jute bags

Why Jute Bags are better than the Leather Bags?

Just before purchasing/utilizing a leather handbag ,We need to know the source of this leather. Leather is obtained from the skin of different sort of pets or animals in most cases of dairy animals, sheep's and goats. Leather is useful to make different items like sacks, belts, shoes, satchels, coats and other little leather things. Generally there are couple of essential realities that you need to understand before utilizing a leather item. End of this article you would concur beside...


Understanding Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is working together in a direction where we use the available resources in such a way that they are appropriate according to our needs and aren’t overused so as to keep them safe and protected for our future generations as well. But the question here is what to we do to keep the resources protected and not make them unavailable, with a population of 7 million people we are overusing our natural resources which are limited, so its...
